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  • Senior Leadership Team

    Below are the staff who make up our Senior Leadership team and their areas of responsibility.

    Juliette Ganachaud

    Juliette Ganachaud

    Assistant Headteacher

    Director of Sixth Form

    Juliette is responsible for the following areas at school:

    • Progress Data KS5
    • Standards and Expectations (including attendance and dress)
    • Culture and Ethos KS5
    • Student Mental Health (training, tracking and actions KS5)
    • Parent Communications/Liaison KS5
    • SUPRA
    • DSL
    • Student Rewards KS5
    • Transitions In/Out of Becky High Sixth
    • QA Implementation KS5
    • KS5 Pastoral (tutor standards and support)
    • Student Voice and Response
    • Parent Voice
    • Charities and Sixth Form Community Service (in and beyond BHS)
    • PSHE and Character Education
    • Becky High Sixth Open Evening and Celebration Events
    • Becky High Sixth Residential