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  • Uniform

    School uniform is worn by all students from Years 7 to 11, and we expect all students to maintain the highest possible standards and to wear their uniform with pride.

    Year 7 - 11 Uniform

    Legacy uniform

    All legacy uniform (e.g. check shirt, logo on PE Kit) is permitted for the current Year 9 - 11s until 2027. Legacy uniform will be on sale to Year 9 - 11 only in the second-hand uniform shop, but stock will be phased out. All new starters should start in uniform requirements as detailed below. We will allow students with older siblings to wear uniform passed down until Sept 2027.

    Uniform list

    You can download the uniform list below. The asterisk indicates branded or regulation items. There is no choice in these items; they are branded and/or regulation wear. All branded and regulation wear can be purchased from our uniform supplier SportCrest (3 Union Parade, Eden Shopping Centre, High Wycombe, HP11 2BQ).


    Hair should be one, natural colour. Students who come to school with non-natural hair colour will be isolated until rectified. Long/ medium length hair must be tied back with a plain dark coloured scrunchie, hairband or hair clip. Colourful beading is not allowed. Headscarves worn for religious reasons should be plain black or dark blue.


    Students are permitted to wear a watch and one single, small, plain, round, gold or silver stud in the lower lobe of each ear. No other piercings are permitted. A piece of jewellery worn for religious reasons is permitted. Students may also wear medical jewellery for a diagnosed condition. No other jewellery is permitted. All jewellery must be removed for PE/dance/drama and some science and technology lessons. Any infringement of the jewellery rules will lead to a behaviour incident log and associated behaviour points; sanctions may follow as per the Behaviour for Learning Policy and consequences chart.

    Make-up and nail varnish

    Make-up and nail varnish are not permitted. Students arriving at school with make-up may be asked to remove it with wipes. If students have gel nails (acrylic/ SNS/ shellac) that cannot be removed easily in school, they will be issued with a behaviour incident log and associated behaviour points; parents/carers will be contacted and expected to arrange removal.


    Visible tattoos are strictly not permitted.


    Belts (other than a plain black trouser belt) and other accessories are not part of the school uniform and should not be worn in school. Scarves/ gloves may be worn when outside but must be removed along with outdoor coats once in classrooms, assemblies, and other indoor venues. Winter/summer hats must be removed indoors. Students are allowed to wear one personal badge on their blazer. School badges e.g. House badge, School Colours can be worn on blazers in addition to one personal badge. Ear defenders (not electronic headphones) are permitted by arrangement for students with specific SEN or SEMH needs.

    Sixth Form Dress Code

    The dress code at Becky High Sixth is designed to allow students to express their individuality and personal style within the confines of a school environment, supporting their status as role models to the younger students in the school. The code has been agreed after consultation with students and staff.

    Lanyards and ID cards must be worn at all times.

    Appropriate Dress

    • Students should wear clothing of a modest nature suitable for a learning environment.
    • Appropriate footwear must be worn – no flip-flops, sliders or Crocs.
    • Very occasionally, Sixth Formers will be expected to dress in business attire at different times throughout the year, eg Celebration Assemblies and Open Events, to show their leadership of the school community.
    • Not Permitted.
    • *Hoodies, joggers or leggings.
    • Ripped or frayed items of clothing.
    • Midriffs and bra straps should not be visible.
    • Tops with thin straps or strapless tops are not acceptable.
    • Dyed hair that is not a natural tone is not acceptable; tattoos should not be visible.
    • No hats or caps may be worn inside buildings.

    * Hoodies, joggers and leggings are allowed to be worn on Wednesdays. This privilege can be withdrawn from individual or groups of students if the dress code is not followed.

    Acceptable Jewellery

    • All items of jewellery should be modest in nature.
    • A maximum of two earrings per ear.
    • A single small, clear, gold or silver nose stud is acceptable should you wish.
    • No other visible facial/body piercing, including nose rings or stretchers, will be allowed.
    • Staff may ask for piercings to be removed for safety reasons, such as for PE activities.

    Students are expected to respect the dress code and parents share the responsibility to ensure that their child is dressed appropriately for school as indicated in the Home-School Agreement. Any student failing to adhere to the dress code will be sanctioned in line with the Behaviour for Learning Policy.

    The final decision as to what is, or is not appropriate dress, lies with the Director of Sixth Form and/or Head of Learning.

    New Uniform Shop

    Sportscrest offer a 'click and collect' option which allows you to order online and collect from the school reception.  Alternatively, visit Sportcrest online or at the address below:

    Sportcrest, 3 Union Parade
    Eden Shopping Centre
    High Wycombe
    HP11 2BQ

    Second Hand Uniform Shop

    The Second Hand Uniform Shop is open to students and parents every Friday lunchtime during term time, 13:30 - 14:30 or 12:30 - 13:30 during exam times and is situated at the bottom of the D Block. Donations of outgrown uniform are very welcome - all profits are given straight back to the school. A price list can be found below. We're always looking for parent volunteers to help run the shop, so if you can spare some time please contact us.