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A-Level Results

Our students are ambitious, resilient, and determined, which culminates in them achieving their goals when results day arrives every August.  Students work incredibly hard and are equally matched by our high-calibre teaching staff, who support our students with expert advice and guidance and a genuine commitment to the individual. 

2024 Results

% of students achieving all A*/A 23%
% of students achieving A* grades


% of students achieving A*- A grades


% of students achieving A*- B grades


% of students achieving A*- C grades 92%
Oxbridge places 12
Medic/ Veterinary/ Dentistry places 17
Average grade students get at 16 -19 study B+
% of students completing their main study programme 100%

I would like to say how thankful I am for the teaching environment BHS has provided. I used to be quite shy before sixth form started, but the opportunities offered to me, the teachers believing in me, pushing me and telling me I could do it, gave me the confidence I needed to be where I am today. - Year 13 Student

2023 Results

It is important to remember that this group of young people sat public exams for the first time in their academic careers in the summer of 2023, having not had the opportunity as GCSE students.  To do this and to have succeeded at the level they did, is remarkable!

54% A* - A grades (3% uplift on 2019 grades)
20% All A* grades (12% uplift on 2019 grades)
84% A* - B grades
94% A* - C grades
83% Students offered their first-choice university
3 Degree Level Apprenticeships
7 Accepted Oxbridge places 

Staff worked really hard to help Ash achieve her dream university place at UCL. She got three A*s and could have gone to Oxford, but UCL was her dream! I can only thank the teachers and the school. As parents, we can only support her, but it’s because of her teachers that she is where she is today. – Year 13 Parent

2022 Results

67% A* - A grades
28% All A* grades
85% A* - B grades
95% A* - C grades
80% Students offered their first-choice university
1 Degree Level Apprenticeships
6 Accepted Oxbridge places